Rohloff Shifter Tension Adjustment
If your Rohloff is difficult to shift, or too loose. Or is misaligned where the shifter shows a different gear number than the actual hub is in, this guide shows you how to adjust the cable tension to solve those issues.
Then tension adjustments are located at the wheel, there are 2 threaded adjusters as shown in the photo

Difficult to Shift
This can be caused by the cables being too tight. Or from the cables doing a very sharp bend, visually inspect the cables first and make sure they aren’t snagged on something.
Loosen both adjusters equally by turning them clockwise about 1 turn each, and re-check the feel of the shifter.
Shifter Feels Very Loose
This is caused by the cables being too loose.
Tighten both adjusters equally by turning them counter-clockwise about 1 turn each, and re-check. Keep adjusting until the shifter feels better, but keep in mind going too tight may make it harder to shift.
Shifter isn’t Aligned
This is caused by one of the cables being looser than the other.
Start by turning the top adjustment clockwise 1 turn, and the bottom adjustment counter-clockwise 1 turn, re-check the alignment.
If it’s worse than before, reverse the changes and go the other direction with counter-clockwise on top, and clockwise on bottom. Keep adjusting until the alignment is how you like it.